Do you want to have better relationships? Improve job performance? Make healthier choices overall?



Do you:
Prefer going to a small, intimate gathering or a large, energetic party?
Learn best by hands-on, very specific instructions or by discussing possibilities and asking?
Respond to the news more by wondering about the people involved and their stories or by hearing about logistics, facts and hard evidence?
Enjoy a vacation more if you plan it out in advance and know what each day holds or if you take each day as it comes and decide in the moment?

Are you energized by a day of socializing or reading alone in the backyard? 

Which is more important:
Questions or answers?
Objectivity or subjectivity?
Details or theory?

JOIN US for a fun, interactive and energizing workshop to explore your answers and understand the real you!
This four hour workshop is an experential introduction to personality type including basic ways to apply what you learn towards better communication, relationships, spirituality, creativity, and work in your life. We will be using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, the most widely used personality tool in the world. 



What’s Your Personality Type?
Saturday, April 11, 2015
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Presented by Patti Milberg-Weiner, MFTI

in our Encino office located at
16055 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1222


$75 per person includes 30 minute refreshments/lunch break
Limit 10 Participants on a First-Come-First-Serve Basis
Prepayment and Registration Required

After you register and pay through the Paypal link above,
you will receive an email confirmation with further details within 24 hours. 


Patti Milberg-Weiner

Patti earned her Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Counseling at CSUN. She began her career as a therapist at San Fernando Valley Counseling Center, treating individuals and couples, utilizing a psychodynamic treatment approach along with her humor and compassion. Patti has been trained in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and specializes in bereavement, addiction, life transitions and process groups. “I want to facilitate others to make positive choices, provide opportunities for people to learn about themselves and find the root causes of their unwanted behaviors or habits. There is nothing more satisfying than to witness my clients experience an authentic psychological or spiritual change.”